So while I wait for my husband to get home to tell me where he has stashed all the cords and things, I'm just gonna sit here and (im)patiently wait.
*looks out the window* no husband yet.
~~~3 minutes later~~~
*looks out the window* no husband yet.
Yeah...and he won't be home for TWO MORE HOURS at least! (He's a teacher.) Ahh...what an unjust world this is. Boo hoo.
Later, y'all!

too funny! i can totally relate cause I'm so nontechnical. :) Thanks for the smile, Jennifer --insert photo here ;)
Wow. It's beautiful. Stunning. Your best ever.
Can't wait to see the real thing... hope it lives up to my fantasy! :D
LOL! you are too funny! if the program is acting up, sometimes you just have to shut down and reboot your computer..that always gets me going again =)
but, i'll sure to be back later =)
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