of my furbaby in her Halloween costume. She was a skunk this year because she is SUCH a STINKING ROTTEN spoiled BRAT! hehehe
And yes, I could have brushed her before I stuck her in her costume but seriously? She is a Westie and when I brush her, 5 minutes later she looks like she hasn't seen a brush in a week. She is in serious need of a grooming though....look at those fuzzy ears! She is 15 lbs of pure terror-ier.

So, anyway there is my little princess.
Karin has tagged me to list 7 things about me. Oof I always shrug these off because I am no good at this whole "talk about myself" thing. But I'll give it a go.
1. I can't eat broccoli. Not that I won't. I can't. It makes me want to gag when I go to swallow it. The taste isn't so bad, but for some reason I cannot eat it. heh
2. I have sock issues. Sometimes my socks bug me so much that I have to sit down and take them off and put them back on because if I don't, MY FEET WON'T BREATHE! Obviously I have issues and they aren't because of my socks.
3. A spider attacked me last night. NO REALLY! I got out of the shower, grabbed for my towel, unfolded it and a HUGE spider JUMPED on me. (The spider's body was the size of a quarter!) Yes, I nearly had a heart attack and died right on the spot. Yes I yelled obscenities. I mean, the spider legs were touching my BARE SKIN! EEEEEEeeeeeeek....so spooky! I may never recover.
4. I'm probably the only person in California who would rather live somewhere besides California. I mean, everyone wants to live in California, right? Disneyland...beaches....mountains...what more could a person want?
5. I'm a drug dealer. LOL! Let me explain. I work part-time in a pharmacy of a major grocery store chain here in the Bay Area.
6. I can play the piano and I studied music in college. That doesn't mean that I'm a fantastic pianist though. I leave that to my mother who plays beautifully (except when she'd wake us up for school by playing the piano...at those times, I wished I had a shoe or something that I could have thrown at her head.)
7. I hate my hair. Seriously. I hate it. I hate to fix it and when I do fix it I hate it even more than if I left it to air dry. If I could, I'd just shave it all off and paint my head. :D
Anyway, I'm supposed to tag people but I'm not gonna do that. If you'd like to leave the 7 truths about yourself on your blog, then feel free! :)
Happy Wednesday!